lørdag 14. juni 2008

IRELAND on monday!!

wow time really passed quickly lately, and i'm so glad, super excited now!! actually going to Ireland on monday, one more day at work, and then it's time...Ireland here we come! Haven't actually planned much, we were gonna do it, but never got the time really..well we'll figure something out tomorrow i guess, got the lonely planet book, and we also got some advice on what to do and where to go from Consi (an irish guy we hang out with in Bolivia/Peru) too bad he's not gonna be there, he's one of the lucky ones still travelling around...luck of the irish

But yeah, we know a few things we wanna see, the cliffs of moher, the book of kells (trinity college) blarney castle (to kiss the blarney stone and achieve "the gift of the gab") a typical irish pub ++++ there's a lot more still:P

an i guess my dad and oldest brother really would like to go aswell, daddy never asks for anything, but this time he actually asked me to buy a cd to him, with typical irish music (he loves that) and my brother wanted me to find some cool signs etc for his basement pub...:P and people ask why i'm so into ireland? :P

well apart from that life here is still as usual, working every day, hanging out with friends, taking sjakk for a walk, and finally got up with my reading again, been reading Frank McCourts books lately since we're going to Ireland, and might go to Limerick... But now i'm gonna start read the classics i never read at school :P started with Alexander Kielland, gonna read Ernest Hemingway later...:P

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