tirsdag 20. januar 2009


Well now Barack Hussein Obama is officially the 44th president of the USA.... gotta say it's a big day, even for a non-american!! :D Hopefully people will work together and there will be change!! :) Gotta say, I do believe it will!! :)

Apart from that big news, the day of me leaving Noruega is closing up...really closing up...it's about a week now..! can't believe how fast time flies!! But i'm soo ready for new adventures! :D finally learn spanish and meet new people!! :D Good fun...so all that's missing is finishing my school work, almost done though, finish packing, and get well again, been sick since sunday, but luckily I got it this week, and not next...that would be baaad!! :P hehe

and people are so sweet, today synnøve sent me a farewell gift, this cute necklace, and a box thingy, really sweet!! thanks!!! :D and other friends wanna hook me up with their friends along the way, so bolivia is safe ++ :P really gonna miss everyone back home, but i'll be back to bug you all again in no time...;) just you wait!! :D

Oh and JB is in Vietnam at the moment, tomorrow they're going on a boattrip and gonna sleep on the boat, can't wait to read more about that!!! :D

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