Figured i have to try to update my blog more often, but there's always something happening, things to do and people to meet...and i'm LOVING it..:p
The city Leon is great, felt at home right away! Been here for over a week now, and it's still great..still finding new places all the time, but i've already found some favourite places, Via Via and Olle Quemada are pretty great, not too fond of Oxygen...too warm and too noisy..:P
Today we climbed Cerro Negro, an active "baby" vulcano right outside leon, it's 159 years old...was pretty fun!! After walking around on the top of it, we ran down...YAY :D But tomorrow it's back to school, gonna be 10 intensive weeks...but it's soo much fun! really interesting! and people are great! :) got started on my spanish..:p
2 kommentarer:
Muy bien ;)
eg mesunne deg så møje!!!eg ao vil ud å reisa..e skamklar for neste år jaffal hehe =)
men glede meg te du kjeme heim!alri våre så nærme så nå:P
men jaffal..d ser ud så du he d galjilt!!å kos deg viare:D
gått du gidde oppdatera blåggen!egsga prøva eg ao :P
du må jo sgriva på nårsk så eg ao fårstår d ;)
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